
The importance of packaging!

natural dental floss

Eco-friendly products in plastic-free packaging

For OLA Bamboo’s team, the goal isn’t only to propose new eco-friendly products. We also offer plastic-free packaging made of cardboard.

Most of us have often observed eco-products wrapped in plastic packaging. What is the use of offering plastic-free products if the packaging contains plastic?

Natural Dental Floss in a plastic-free cardboard box.

At OLA Bamboo, we don’t believe so. We continuously work hard to reduce packaging waste as much as possible. Which is why we are proud of our product: eco-friendly dental floss that comes in a little cardboard box!

What is the best alternative to plastic packaging?

Paper and cardboard!! Where packaging is needed, we ensure it is made with cardboard or paper.

How is paper or cardboard packaging better than plastic?

While plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, paper decomposes more quickly. Hence, does pose a risk to wildlife and the planet. Paper and cardboard are renewable materials that are easy to source, widely recyclable and inexpensive.

What is eco dental floss made of?

100% natural dental floss, made from mulberry silk, candelilla vegan wax and natural essence of mint.

According to your municipality, you can throw this biodegradable dental floss away in the compost after using it. Laboratory tests are currently underway to ensure that it can be placed in industrial compost everywhere. In the meantime, if you put it in the trash, know that it will not take years to disintegrate, as does the traditional plastic dental floss. Another step in the right direction!

Our goal is to remove as much plastic as possible from plastic toothbrushes. So, we have also eliminated it from the packaging! For us, it’s simple logic … Yet, most companies who offer bamboo toothbrushes and natural dental floss usually pack them in plastic. Find the error…

At OLA bamboo, we stand out with a wide range of eco-friendly everyday products… and with green packaging! Because after all, packaging plays a big part in polluting our oceans and adding to dumping ground. Every little gesture counts… For a bright future on our planet!

And you, how do you reduce your daily plastic consumption?

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