
Baby Plates made of Bamboo with suction Base

Baby Plates made of Bamboo with suction Base

We all are aware of the hassles parents face while feeding their kids. No doubt, it’s an amazing feeling but the mess your child creates while eating makes it tiring.

Babies usually knock over their dishes while eating and that definitely increases your cleaning time.

So, give yourself some rest and make your time with your kiddo more fun with suction base baby plates.

Why Suction base plates for babies?

The suction base baby plates are specially designed for babies as they stick to the table or your kitchen countertop and help them to learn self-feeding.

We all want our kids to learn self-feeding. It helps them in practising their motor skills and makes them independent from an early age.

What plates are good for babies?

Bamboo baby plates are ideal for children learning how to feed themselves. No doubt, kids tableware mostly comes in plastic as children have a history of throwing away the dishes while eating. But plastic contains toxins which are bad for health. Avoid plastic whenever you can when to comes to food and beverage.

Also with increasing plastic pollution around the world, people are switching to eco-friendly products.

What are the benefits of Bamboo Baby Plates?

  1. Safe –

Bamboo is a safe option to choose as it is eco-friendly and healthy for your kiddo. It has natural antibacterial properties and is grown without the use of pesticides and insecticides. Our OLA Bamboo plate does not contain melamine-formaldehyde because it is made of natural bamboo wood and not a bamboo powder- or bamboo fibre-based product.

  1. Easy to clean –

Bamboo plates do not get stained or absorb odour easily. Just hand wash them with soap & water and let them air dry.

  1. Durable :

Bamboo is even stronger than steel when it comes to tensile strength (which means it can withstand more tension or stretching pressure before breaking.)

  1. Lightweight :

Bamboo plates are easy to carry as they are light in weight.

  1. Heat resistant :

You can serve hot food in bamboo baby plates without any worry as bamboo is heat resistant.

OLA Bamboo Plates for babies

OLA Bamboo plates are available in different fun shapes which make them even more interesting for babies. You can feed your baby multiple food items as the plate is divided into sections. The silicone suction cup is for safety because it stabilizes the plate. Note that the silicone is BPA- and phthalate-free.

Click here to buy a beautiful bamboo plate for your baby.