
5 Good reasons to get a zero waste kit

zero waste kit

We all try to make an effort to diminish our carbon footprint on the planet by adopting a zero-waste lifestyle. On a small or large scale, depending on our capabilities and our comfort, we are in a way looking for ways to switch to zero waste life. And it is very good! Whether it is composting, using reusable shopping or bulk bags, little bags to replace Ziploc or taking your bike when it’s possible. Also more and more of us are asking to leave out straws in our drinks at bars and restaurants. Yeah!

Some are still wondering how to go waste-free. Well, don’t be hard on yourself and take simple steps.

Switch to zero waste utensils or reusable eating utensils. 

Take our practical OLA Bamboo zero waste kit along with you!

What is included in the Zero waste kit?

A bamboo fork, a spoon and a knife to avoid using disposable utensils. Plus, your zero waste starter kit also includes a reusable straw and washing brush, all of it in a cute little transport pouch.

Why should you always have this amazing zero waste cutlery with you?

1- Because you’ll always have utensils to eat on the go. You know, when you buy lunch at the grocery store… And you find yourself eating your pasta salad with your fingers? NOT ANYMORE!

2- You could avoid taking straw, even at the drive-thru… when drinking a soft drink directly from the flimsy cup is… Catastrophic!

3- You’ll never forget your fork anymore to eat your lunch at the office. No need to ask your colleagues for a fork… They’ll borrow yours!

4- You’ll always be ready for a drink on a patio restaurant! Admit that some drinks absolutely demand straw!? Plus, you’ll make others jealous of your nice and trendy bamboo straw!

5- Our zero waste kit is ultra-light! So, you can easily have it with you without extra weight in your handbag. A little tip: I doubled mine: 2 forks, 2 knives, 2 spoons and 2 straws… That way, I have them for my husband or a friend when we stop somewhere.

You might be wondering

How bamboo cutlery helps in reducing plastic waste?

  1. Reduce – If you are using the bamboo reusable cutlery then you are not using the disposable plastic spoons, forks and knives. That means you are not adding to plastic pollution.
  2. Reuse – You are reusing the bamboo fork, spoon or knives and hence reducing the waste.
  3. Compost – Bamboo is 100% compostable and it decomposes naturally in the environment.

So, who already has a zero-waste kit? Or needs one?