
Tag Archives: plasticfree

5 essential eco products that we use every day

produits zéro déchet

Congrats! You went green by choosing OLA Bamboo eco products! Little changes and simple gestures help eliminate tons of plastic waste. Which eco products can be used in day to day life? Here are 5 essential eco products that we use every day: Bamboo toothbrushes Bamboo reusable utensils (knife, fork, spoon) Bamboo reusable straws Bamboo […]

The Zero waste kit to eliminate germs

reusable cutlery set

During this pandemic and time of social distancing, we’re thinking a lot about the germs and viruses on everything we touch. A great way to keep your germs to yourself and avoid other people’s is to use your own utensils/cutlery sets (spoon and forks) and straw with your takeout lunches. This way, you’ll be avoiding […]